Feliz Navidad - Merry Christmas

Europe's Pikes

Christmas - Leon


People of Madrid

Madrid - Christmas
El año pasado, en estas fechas, estaba en mi tierra, con mi familia y amigos. Que bonito es Madrid en Navidad: Las decoraciones, las calles, la gente, los bares, los restaurantes. Se nos ocurrió a mis amigos y a mi pasar una noche en Toledo. Una ciudad preciosa en la montaña al sur de Madrid. Preciosa en el verano, pero no en estas fechas. Nos acabamos todos borrachos en una habitación del parador, sin salir a las calles de Toledo por el frío que hacía, sacando fotos como tontos desde la ventana de la habitación.
Ay, pero que bien lo hemos pasado en las fiestas de fin de año en Astorga. Astorga es un pueblo de León, al noroeste de Madrid, en el camino de Santiago de Compostela. Un sitio precioso, con gente buena y generosa y ¿la comida? ni os cuento…Que bien se come en Astorga!
Echo mucho de menos a España en estas fechas;
buena compañía + buena comida + un buen vinito + una uena música y mucho baile + Pacharán = Buena vida.
The twitch

It's been few days now since the twitch (horrible muscle spasm caused by a nervous condition) started right above my left eye and in my left jaw bone. I'm a person who can endure pain, so I don't mind it, but I hate the disturbance it brings. It's not really a comfortable situation.
The doctor brought out to me that I have some bad habits that I never noticed before, such as pressing my jaws together, frowning, biting my lips…hmmm…and I thought I was a patient person! I think that the hardships of life are finally getting on my nerves. I thought to share the advice I got from my doctor with you, just in case someone else goes through the same, g.f.:
1. Get more sleep.
2. Drink less caffeine.
3. Try to relax and meditate. (Easy to say, but hard to apply to our daily routine. I'll try my best though!)
4. Or I could take the Botulinum toxin injection, which is a protein that helps stop muscle spasms. Muscle spasms are caused by chemical messages sent to the muscles from nerves. These messages tell the muscles to contract (to tighten up). Botulinum toxin is used to stop muscle spasms because it blocks these messages. (Yeah right! An injection in the eye? I don’t think so, no way!)
I've been tagged

I've been tagged by dear AyyA. What do I use as background on my pc? well, you have some examples up here :) plus I often use family and personal pictures. I like diversity.
وما أقل نضوج النساء
الجزء الأول من كتاب اللغة العربية للصف الثامن (المرحلة المتوسطة) الموضوع الرابع والعشرين: امرأة فرعون
امرأة فرعون نضج هداها وتبين لها الحق فعرفت الله كما ينبغي أن يعرف، عرفت الله: "في السماء إله، وفي الأرض إله" وكذلك تكون المرأة إذا نضجت، وما أقل نضوج النساء
هذا تعصب جنسي واضح في منهج دراسي ، كيف نعلم أبناءنا بأن النساء قليلات النضوج؟ بأي حق ومن أين أتوا بهذه الفتوى؟ لقد سأمت حقا من هذه التعابير الفارغة من العقلانية والمليئة بالتعصب الجنسي. كيف يحترمني أخي الصغير أو ابني حين تغرس في عقله هذه الأفكار ويتم تعليمه بأن أخته أو أمه قليلة عقل وغير ناضجة؟ وأنا التي ربيت، علمت، ووقفت بجانب الرجل منذ كان طفلا وحتى شب وأصبح رجلا يقف على رجليه، ساعدته على اتخاذ أهم القرارات، وساندته في المواقف والظروف الصعبة
أقول لوزارة التربية الكويتية كفاكم جهلا وإهمالا، وبدلا من صرف المال على بروتوكولات الوزارة ومعالي الوزير لم لا تعينوا تربويين حقيقيين يساهمون في صنع شباب المستقبل ويعلمونهم الاعتماد على النفس في الدراسة بدلا من تقديم الرشاوي للمدرسين أو شراء الأبحاث من مكاتب حولي، وأن يعلموهم الانفرادية في التفكير.ويا له من تناقض ففي رسالة مقدمة الكتاب والموجهة للطالب يتحدث المؤلف عن أهمية هذا الكتاب الذي يقدمه للطالب في هذه المرحلة وقد ازدادت ثقته في قدرته على الاعتماد على نفسه في التعامل مع موضوعاته (طبعا ليس صحيحا فهو يعلمهم الاعتماد على المدرسين الخصوصين ومكاتب حولي) والافادة منها في اكتساب المزيد من الخبرات والمهارات من خلال المواقف التدريبية (أي مواقف تدريبية يتكلم عنه؟ فالطلبة يحفظون مثل الببغاء ولا يهتمون بفهم أي شيء!!) ..... وقد حرصنا، ونحن نختار لك موضوعات هذا الكتاب، على أن تكون منوعة تنتظم الحياة المعاصرة كما تنتظم التراث (كذبة أخرى فمعظم المواضيع تدور حول الدين، تسعة مواضيع من أصل 26 دينية صرفة). وهذا يجعلني أتساءل لم لا يتم ضم مادة اللغة العربية إلى مادة التربية الاسلامية؟ أين ذهبت الابداعات الأدبية العربية؟ لم لا يدرس الشعر والأدب العربي؟ وهل نتستغرب بعد كيف أصبح الجيل الجديد فقيرا في لغة ثرية كاللغة العربية؟ لا يعرف مفرداتها، وقواعدها ولا أصولها. عيب علينا عيب ما وصلنا إليه من جهل
A day in a Kuwaiti Ministry
Tuesday, November 15th: Being an organized person, I asked the citizens' Service Dept. of the Ministry of Interior about the required documents to renew and replace my country's driving license with a Kuwaiti one, two weeks ahead of time to be prepared. They gladly informed me of a list of requirements (which turned out to be not complete).
Saturday, November 26th: 5 days before expiry date, I went with all the required documents to the above mentioned Department, they typed in the form for me (with a smile) and then told me that they couldn't do more for me…I should go to the General Directorate of Traffic…. No, not today, I don't where the place is and it's late anyway… I'll give it to the "Mandoub" (messenger) tomorrow.
Sunday, November 27th: 4 days before expiry date: The mandoub came back at the end of the work day (all sweaty and out of breath): Sorry couldn't do much. They kept on transferring me from one place to another, just to tell me at the end that your papers are missing the "Shahadat Themma" (certificate from my country's Traffic Dept stating that I don't have any traffic fines pending) hummmm. It makes sense, but they could have told me about it 2 weeks ago when I asked. I am running out of time (I started panicking, so I quickly called my Embassy, which gladly offered help but the formalities it would take me about 2 weeks to get the original certificate, that should be send by Diplomatic pouch and so I called my uncle back home and asked him to get me this certificate, he couldn't do it because he had more urgent things to do but he promised to do it as soon as he is free, which was on…Wednesday, November 30th, one day before expiry date (OH MY GOD!!!).
Thursday, Friday (did not drive just in case)
Saturday, December 3rd, 2 days after expiry date: I woke up really early and went to the General Directorate of Traffic…got lost couple of times, but reached there finally…. The parking was a disaster….people just parked randomly in a big muddy yard, jumped off my car quickly, stepping on the mud (Thank God I wore my tennis shoes!), went around asking drivers where the main entrance was, because all I could see from the road was: The Police Cooperative Supermarket. (well, it was the same entrance) went in…amazing… people are like ants running around everywhere…all kind of people…no signs…no indications…where the hell should I go? I went to the first window….skipping people who were waiting in turn (excusing myself) to ask for directions…just go there (waving with his left hand)… there where? There….there….yeh but where is there? Look just ask that guy with the yellow T. Shirt…ok… excuse me… I went around asking for the right place to get a signature that turned out to be more than one… I then found myself going up, down, left, right…like a bee…collecting signatures…done, but not really…go back to the same Citizens' Service Dept….oh, ok…almost done…went back there waiting in the queue for my turn...be patient!…you have to get the signature of the Director, first office to the right in that corridor…sorry can't help you…you are in the wrong place. You should go to Hawalli Traffic Department. But I was told by your main directorate to come here! I'm sorry can't help you…right (or he didn't want to because he was too busy having his tea with a friend!!) took my car, struggled in the traffic jam, which is a daily horror in Kuwait lately, went there…waited in line…sorry mam…your documents are not complete…what? What are you talking about? I brought everything they asked for in the first Office and in the Second one...take it easy…go to next door, pay them and ask for the form, then come back here…As a good girl I did what he asked me to do (they asked for 2 more picture, other than the four pictures they had on the papers, I wonder why they need so many photos??) went back to the first guy… good, now you have to go to the Director.. Where is his office? In the 5th floor in that building, oh! And don't take the elevator it will take you ages…great! Went running up stairs, 5 floors, I needed the exercise, but that was a bit too much for one day…waited in line to get to the secretary, who kept on asking me what I wanted 5 TIMES, and I kept on repeating the same simple answer 5 TIMES…went in got the signature, went back to the first guy who told me: sorry but you have to go to another area, get a signature and then come back here…rushed to the other area, took a number (meanwhile listening to lousy jokes and comments about my accent, and I was supposed to laugh along…WAS NOT FUNNY!...went inside for the signature, while signing he was asking me personal questions (I was staring helplessly at that man's hand waiting for him to put on the damn signature) grasped the paper from his hand and flee to the car, which was parked miles away because I couldn't find the building driving (I wonder why they had the sign on the side of the building not in the front?)
I went back…good, now all you are missing is 30 KD stamps…thank God I had enough money, didn't know that it was that expensive…here you are…ok now just take a seat, it will only take a minute (liar!)…after a long while… here you are (giving me a file) what should I do with this file? Just get the signature of the Head of this Department… great another signature…excuse me (handing over the file)…Oh! I thought you were English (I wonder why? Is it because of my black hair, black eyes or my dark complexion?) No I'm not, can I get your signature… here you are….You know my Dad was born in your country, I'm not joking…what am I suppose to reply to that? Congratulations? Good for him? So I just gave a tired smile…and he finally handed over the temporal Kuwaiti Driving License…come back after a month to get the real one…why not now?...these are the rules…No way…If you think that I'll ever come back here you are mistaken…I'm never, ever, coming back…next time I'm sending the Mandoub, God Bless Him.