World Day of Peace

I had a look at the message of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, for the celebration of the World Day of Peace, on 1 January 2006, and although I do not exactly agree on all the words of his speech, but I found it a very kind gesture to talk about such subject reminding people of the importance of maintaining peace in the world.
The theme chosen by the Vatican for this year’s reflection “In truth, peace” expresses the conviction that wherever and whenever men and women are enlightened by the splendour of truth, they naturally set out on the path of peace.
But once again, what is the truth? Is the concept of this word the same for all people on earth, regardless of their ethnical back grounds, their cultures and habits?
The terrorists believe that they are enlightened by the Holy truth, but I do not see them reaching peace nor calling for it. On the contrary, in order to reach their purposes (under the name of God and the Holy truth) they would kill innocent people, without any repent.
The world is a big place. People are different in the type of life they carry out, their way of thinking and their concerns. I just wish people learn how respect each others’ individual identity and believe. I see it as the only way to have an inner contentment and serenity, harmonious relations, free ourselves from quarrels and disagreements, reach world security and order, therefore, reach the state of absence of war and other hostility, As is the definition of the word “peace” in the Dictionary