
I tried to translate it as best as I could and here is the result:
Yes, You honorable Mubarak.
Yes Sayyed Sharif (meaning the Master who comes from honorable descendants), Mr. Mubarak. Yes, ya Mohammed, ya Husni, Ya Mubarak (an Arabic name that means the blessed). Who is supported by the God of all and our Prophet Mohammed P.B.U.H. You son of the most sacred affinity: Your grandfather Ali bin Abi Taleb (the cousin of the Prophet P.B.U.H) and your grandmother Fatima Al-Zahraa (daughter of the the Prophet) Al Batool (Batool here means: the woman who dedicates her life to God) and your grandfather our Patron Al-Husain Grandson of the prophet). I saw a vision (can't translate zaher baten cause I don't know what the h%&$ it means) that your support is not of your choice, it is from the God of all and his Blessed Prophet… Mubarak, President of Egypt and the love of the entire world. If we, the people of Egypt, went back into ourselves and pleaded for God with a sincere heart we would recognize the Jihad (fighting for God) that you had to do for Egypt and its people. God says: "If God support you no one will defeat you" The Honorable Shaikha Majda the Healer with the Holy Qoran.
Now let look at it closely:
Yes, You honorable Mubarak.
Yes Sayyed Sharif (meaning the Master who comes from honorable descendants), Mr. Mubarak. Yes, ya Mohammed, ya Husni, Ya Mubarak (an Arabic name that means the blessed). Who is supported by the God of all and our Prophet Mohammed P.B.U.H. You son of the most sacred affinity: Your grandfather Ali bin Abi Taleb (the cousin of the Prophet P.B.U.H) and your grandmother Fatima Al-Zahraa (daughter of the the Prophet) Al Batool (Batool here means: the woman who dedicates her life to God) and your grandfather our Patron Al-Husain Grandson of the prophet). I saw a vision (can't translate zaher baten cause I don't know what the h%&$ it means) that your support is not of your choice, it is from the God of all and his Blessed Prophet… Mubarak, President of Egypt and the love of the entire world. If we, the people of Egypt, went back into ourselves and pleaded for God with a sincere heart we would recognize the Jihad (fighting for God) that you had to do for Egypt and its people. God says: "If God support you no one will defeat you" The Honorable Shaikha Majda the Healer with the Holy Qoran.
Now let look at it closely:
1. Repeating the adjective honorable three times (and who says they are honorable??) what did he do to deserve that title?
2. Repeating the President name so many times in a redundant way(Just in case we forget).
3. Supported by God and the Prophet? Who said so? How does she know that, to start with? It's more likely to say supported by money and political parties… Oh I'm sorry, I forget that she said she saw it in a vision and since she is the Honorable Shaikha Majda the Healer I should believe her.
4. His ancestors are the cousin, the daughter and the grandson of the prophet? Anyone else from the sacred family missing in here? How does she know that? Does he have the family tree to prove it? Anyone can claim his affinity to the Prophet.
5. The love of the entire world? Who is she to speak on behalf of the whole world for God sake???
6. Jihad? So Mubarak is suddenly one of Al-Mojahedeen? Fighter in the name of God? I do not recall his name being mentioned in any holy, sacred or dirty war! I Believe his big belly didn't come from fighting wars, it rather comes from eating mahshi & ferakh bel anareb.
7. I don't think that verse from the Qoran was aiming at Mubarak (unless he's ancient!) if I remember well from what they taught us at school I believe it meant the Prophet P.B.U.H.
8. Who the F&%$ is this Shaikha Majda who describes herself here as Honorable and a Healer. If she is so good at heeling people then maybe she should dedicate herself only to that and leave politics to the politicians. Perhaps she should keep herself busy heeling all these people wounded and killed in Iraq for example.
9. Oh and religious people should keep their nose out of politics and stop using innocent and ignorant people under the name of religion for their own interests and greediness.